Monday, September 7, 2009

Hey Ernie...... look what we got !

Not sure what all is going on but Ernie is still here. I heard the humans saying something about Ernie going for a ride the other day. Dang bird is still here under my feet. Messing with my wimmin folks he is. Everytime I turn around, he is right behind me. Like a little shadow. I guess he thinks what I am doing is exciting.
All I want  to do  is my chicken dance for the ladies. I am good at it too :)

Well these 3 other humans showed up today and watched us all in the yard. They checked out our chicken coop too. Said things looked good. Then they left. Empty handed.

A short while later the lady human comes dragging this small cage in the yard with us.

She opened the door and out comes...............are you ready for this ?!?!??!?!

Four big red hens...........wowsers ! Don't know who was more or Ernie !

Then that Ernie went into his rooster that guy is good....dropping his right wing to the ground, and dancing in circles. His feet were just a tap dancing. And funny noises coming from his throat. I think he was trying to sing. Man, how dumb is that !

But then again..........maybe I better keep an eye on him better.

Had no clue he had that in him. Wonder if he has been taking lessons somewhere ????

So I still have Ernie to contend with ......and four more lady friends.

I guess the human is going to keep me guessing. I better keep an eye on her too..........

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!!! Ernie will really be giving Bert a run for his money now! :)
