Friday, October 9, 2009

Why are you on the roost at 7 am ?

Okay, Bert, time to get moving for the day. Why are you still on the roost ?
*I'm scared *
Why are you scared, Bert ?
*The big guy. He is still in the coop, and will hurt me if I jump down. *
You can outrun him, Bert. You are faster and quicker than he is.
*That's your opinion, not mine*
What if we put the big guy outside. Then will you come down ?
*Maybe, let me think about it *
Okay, Bert, the big guy is outside now. Come down.
*Do I have to ?*
Yes you need to get moving for the day. Come down.
*Okay, Okay. Wait a minute, there is he outside the little door.
Can I use the human door ? *
Yes Bert, you can use the human door. What are you going to do
when winter gets here ?
* Not a problem. I am going to hibernate ...........*


  1. The big guy WAS the big white mean rooster. He passed away all by himself. The lady human told me he got TOO big from eating all the time. He weighed over 12 pounds.
